Just a reminder that your presence has a purpose. There is a reason for where you are at this very moment in life. Even if you are dealing with trials and tribulations that no one knows about, it is for a reason.
You asked for something in life and this is your path to getting it. However, as you are experiencing this journey understand that the place in your life that you are leaving will not define who you are. How you handle and raise up out of those trials and tribulations will define your character.
It is your choice to grow through what you go through or use your struggles as a crutch to hold you back while you continuously blame others when the problem is you.
Trust the process of your life! Your presence has a purpose. Your past is in the past so leave it there. Be stronger than the trials and tribulations that held you back. Those struggles do not define your character. How you overcome them and use them as a strength and not a crutch does.
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