Walk In Your Purpose

What's In Your Bag?

What are you hanging onto because of the pain you will experience if you let it go?

Who are the people in your life you are refusing to forgive because you would rather prove a point than have peace in your life? What relationship is still controlling you, your thoughts, your emotions because you don't know how to have closure? What grudge, anger, hurt are you still carrying because you are not ready to heal?

Your bag is heavy. If you are stagnant, stuck, can't figure out why you are unhappy, stressed out for no reason, losing sleep, feeling anxiety, no confidence, no peace, it's because your bag is HEAVY!

Now is the time to start your healing journey, your healing process so you can clean out your bag and move forward in your life. Your not getting ahead becasue you are being weighed down.

Strength is not holding on to what is breaking you, it's knowing what is breaking you and letting it go.

What's in your bag?

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