Fear of being "the only one" often holds people back from being the greatest version of themselves. It can seem and feel quite intimidating to be anywhere and feel like you are standing out instead of fitting in. I often find myself being "the only one" in many situations so I understand the feeling, the pressure of not wanting to fail, or say the wrong thing, or be questioned. I get it. But I have also learned, overtime, that you should never be afraid to eat alone. Never allow any one or any circumstance to make you feel less than because you are not "fitting in" with someone else's perception.
You are meant to be where you are at in your present time. Have confidence to carry out and be who you whole heartedly are. That seat at the table that you are afraid to sit in was meant for you. You are Favored. If you look around and its you by yourself, it's okay. Everyone has the same 86,400 seconds in a day. You chose to use yours wisely and level up in life. You you are valuable and you know your worth. All you can do is save a seat for others to pull up beside you.
In the meantime, enjoy the table that is prepared before you in front of your enemies because your presence has a purpose.
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