Walk In Your Purpose

What You Want Is Not Necessarily What You Need.

It is not the responsibility of other people to love you. It is not the fault of others that due to your expectations, no one is giving you what you want. It is not the responsibility of different tangible items to fill the void or hole in your life because you are unhappy, lonely, depressed, broken, etc. You can not use temporary things as a permanent solution to make you whole.

Many people wonder why things happen to them the way they happen. Understand everything happens for a reason. You will never see a pothole in the road covered with a band-aid. That pole hole has to be dug into, fixed on the inside so that when it's sealed on the outside, it's stronger than before, and it won't collapse again. The pothole that is in you needs to be healed from the inside before you look around for love and healing on the outside. Forgive yourself for the circumstances you were in but overcame. Forgive others who did you wrong and have now moved with their life. Find closure for things you can not control and stop blaming yourself for the things you can't make sense of.

Everyone wants someone or something else to be their strength, protection, their love, their friend, their peace, etc. Starting being your own strength, your own protection, your own fan, your own peace. Once you begin working on you, you will see that what you thought you wanted from others wasn't at all what you needed. All you need is you.

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